Advanced Alerting APIs
S3Client Interface Reference

Provides the ability to get,put,list,copy and delete objects in S3. More...

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Public Member Functions

object get (object request)
 Retrieves an object from S3.
object put (object request)
 Stores an object in S3.
object copy (object request)
 Copies an object from on location S3 to another location in S3.
object list (object request)
 Return information about each object.
object delete (object request)
 Delete objects in S3.

Detailed Description

Provides the ability to get,put,list,copy and delete objects in S3.

Matt Rodriguez

Member Function Documentation

object copy ( object  request)

Copies an object from on location S3 to another location in S3.

requesta javascript object which must contain
  • sourceBucketName the name of the bucket containing the object to copy.
  • sourceKey the name of the key under which the source object is stored.
  • destinationBucketName the name of the bucket where the copied object will be stored.
  • destinationKey the name of the key under which the copied object will be stored.
and may contain
  • sourceVersionId the version of the source object to copy.
a javascript object containing data about the objects copied in S3.
object delete ( object  request)

Delete objects in S3.

requesta javascript object which must contain
  • bucketName The bucket containing the objects that will be deleted.
  • keys An array of javascript objects, each object must contain a key attribute and may contain a version attribute. The key attribute refers to the key of the object that will be deleted. The version attribute contains the version of the object to delete.
a javascript object which contains an attribute deletedobjects. The deletedobjects attribute refers to an array of javascript object. Each object contains the attributes deletedMarkerVersionId, versionId, deleteMarker, and key, which pertain to the deleted object.
object get ( object  request)

Retrieves an object from S3.

requesta javascript object which must contain
  • bucketName the name of the bucket
  • key the key which refers to the object.
and may contain
  • versionId the version of the object.
a javascript object. The value of the S3 object is set in the content attribute.
object list ( object  request)

Return information about each object.

requesta javascript object which must contain
  • bucketName the name of the bucket which contains the objects listed.
and may contain
  • prefix the prefix which determines which keys are listed.
  • marker the key which indicates where listing should begin.
  • delimiter the delimiter for condensing common prefixes in the returned listing results.
  • maxKeys the maximum number of results to return.
a javascript object containing a listing of the objects. The listing are stored in an attribute objectSummaries, which contains an array of javascript object. Each object is an object summary, which contains the etag, storageClass, lastModified, owner, bucketName, key, and size information.
object put ( object  request)

Stores an object in S3.

requesta javascript object which must contain
  • bucketName the name of the bucket
  • key the key which refers to the object.
  • content the value of the object to store.
and may contain
  • metadata is a javascript object which contains an attribute userMetadata. The userMetadata attribute refers to key value pairs associated with the object that is stored.
a javascript object containing data about the object put in S3.
 All Classes Functions