addArguments(arguments) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.BrowserchromeOptions
options that you can use to customize and configure a Chrome session.
addArguments(arguments) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.BrowserfirefoxOptions
options that you can use to customize and configure a firefox session
addDays(Date, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Add the given number of days to the given date
addFileUpload(String, DataFile) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Add the contents of a file to the request, which will make this a multipart request and transmit the file contents as a multipart part.
addFileUpload(String, DataFile, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Add the contents of a file to the request, which will make this a multipart request and transmit the file contents as a multipart part.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Add a header to each request made.
addMonths(Date, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Add the given number of months to the given date
addPointOfFailureRequests(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Emulate failing requests.
addRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Adds or sets a HTTP header with the supplied value.
addRequestHeaders(NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Adds a set of HTTP headers to the HTTP request.
addRequestInterceptor(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Registers a callback function that will be triggered before every HTTP request is sent.
addRequestParameter(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Adds an HTTP request parameter to be included with the HTTP POST request.
addRequestParameters(NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Adds a set of HTTP parameters to the HTTP request.
addResponseInterceptor(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Registers a callback function that will be triggered after every HTTP response is received.
Add a selection to the set of selected options in a multi-select element using an option locator.
addTime(Date, int, int, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Add time to the given date.
appendRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Adds a HTTP header with the supplied key and value.
assertEquals(Object, Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that two values are equal.
assertEquals(Object, Object, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that two values are equal.
assertFalse(boolean, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that the given condition is false.
assertFalse(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that the given condition is false.
assertNotEquals(Object, Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that two values are not equal.
assertNotEquals(Object, Object, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that two values are not equal.
assertThrown(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that the running the JS function threw an exception when run, otherwise an exception is thrown.
assertThrown(String, NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that the running the JS function threw an exception when run.
assertTrue(boolean, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that the given condition is true.
assertTrue(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Assert that the given condition is true.
autoAddHeaders(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Enable/Disable auto adding of some common headers.
autoBasicAuthorization(String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Forces all requests to the specific domain ("example.com") or host ("www.example.com") to have the proper header necessary to automatically pass any BASIC authentication challenge (ie: the Authorization header) with the supplied username and password.
avgResponseTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.PingResult
Get the average response time for all successful round trip pings.


base64() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
Returns the base64 encoding of these bytes.
base64() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
Returns the base64 encoding of this file.
base64(Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns a base64 string representation of the given object.
beginStep() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new step (must be called from within a transaction).
beginStep(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new step (must be called from within a transaction).
beginStep(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new step (must be called from within a transaction) by calling the given function, and automatically end the step when the function has finished running.
beginStep(String, NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new step (must be called from within a transaction) with a timeout specified in milliseconds by calling the given function, and automatically end the step when the function has finished running.
beginStep(String, int, NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new step (must be called from within a transaction) with a timeout specified in milliseconds by calling the given function, and automatically end the step when the function has finished running.
beginTransaction() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new transaction.
beginTransaction(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new transaction that runs the given transaction function, and automatically ends the transaction when the function has completed.
beginTransaction(NativeFunction, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a new transaction that runs the given transaction function, and automatically ends the transaction when the function has completed.
bind() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Binds a socket to an ephemeral local port.
bind(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Binds the socket to a specific local port.
biz.neustar.wpm.api - package biz.neustar.wpm.api
blacklistCommonUrls() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Blacklist well-known sites that are commonly used for site analytics and advertising.
blacklistRealUserUrls() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Blacklist Real User Measurement requests.
blacklistRequests(String, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Blacklist any HTTP request that matches the supplied regular expression pattern, automatically registering the supplied response code as the response without actually making the call.
Bytes - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
A simple representation of a byte array of data


cd(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Change current remote directory
clearBlacklist() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Clear any existing blacklist rules.
clearCache() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Flushes the DNS cache.
clearCache() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Clear any currently cached data.
clearCookies() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Remove all cookies.
clearDNSCache() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Flushes the DNS cache used by this http client
clearWhitelist() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Clear any existing whitelist rules.
close() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
close the corresponding file and related resources
close() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Close the connection.
close() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Close the underlying socket.
close(short, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Initiate connection closing.
close(short) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Initiate connection closing.
close(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Initiate connection closing.
close() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Initiate connection closing.
closeBrowser() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Terminates the active Selenium browser session.
configureSSL(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Allows setting of SSL version to use when connecting over HTTPS/SSL.
configureSSL(String, boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Allows fine tuning of the SSL version to use when connecting over HTTPS/SSL.
connect(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Connect to the given server
connect(String, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Connect to the given server and port
connect(String, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Make a TCP connection to the given host#port.
connectSSL(String, boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Connect to the given ftps server
connectSSL(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Connect to the given ftps server
createCookie(String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Create a new cookie.
createCookie(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Create a new cookie.
CSVTable - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
An object that represents a CSV table of data.


data() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket.Packet
DataFile - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
An object that contains a handle to an uploaded file and supporting operations
datafile(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns a wrapped handle to an uploaded file.
decrypt(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns decrypted value of cipherText.
deflate(Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Compress the provided content using Deflate and return a byte array.
del(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP DELETE without any content verification.
del(String, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP DELETE with a parameter for text/status code/location verification.


emulateBrowser(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Emulate the given browser's concurrent downloads, user agent and headers.
enableCache(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Enable/Disable the use of the cache.
enableLogging() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Enable logging of Ftp commands and responses to the
encrypt(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns encrypted value of text which can be used by the decrypt function.
endStep() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Stops the current step.
endTransaction() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Ends the current transaction.
endTransaction(NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Ends the current transaction.
errorString(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Verify that the given text is not present in the response body.
errorString(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
Verify that the given text is not present in the response body of any of the requests made.
errorStringRegex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Verify that the given regex does not match the response body.
errorStringRegex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
Verify that the given regex does not match the response body of any of the requests made.
execute() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Executes this HTTP request.
execute() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Connect, send SNTP request and get response.
execute(HttpRequest) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Perform the given Http request.
execute(HttpRequest, NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Perform the given Http request, for every item that is downloaded call the given callback.


fail() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Fails the test by throwing an exception.
fail(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Fails the test with a message by throwing exception with the given message.
failOnHttpError(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebDriver
Configure whether the WebDriver should throw an Exception in case a page-load receives one or more HTTP Error Responses (400 <= code < 600).
failOnHttpErrors(int[]) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebDriver
Configure whether the WebDriver should throw an Exception in case a page-load receives at least one of the http error codes specified in the input array.
filePath(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns the local path for the specified file name.
fileToCSV(DataFile) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Creates and returns a table of data backed by a Comma Separated Value File.
findRegexMatches(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
A simple way to find one or more regular expression matches against some content.
forEach(Object, NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Loops through a list/map, applying the function to each element.
formatDate(String, Date) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Format a date as a string.
formatDate(String, Date, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Format a date as a string using the given language.
fromHex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Decoded a string of hex values into a raw byte array.
Ftp - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
FTP monitoring API


get(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.CSVTable
Returns the specified row (zero-indexed) from the CSV table.
get(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Download the given filename.
get(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP GET without any content verification.
get(String, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP GET with a parameter for text/status code/location verification.
getActiveStep() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns the currently active step, which is useful for advanced use cases where the step object is being manipulated directly.
getActiveTransaction() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns the currently active transaction, which is useful for advanced use cases where the transaction object is being manipulated directly.
getAllHeaders() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns an array of all headers included in the response.
getAtDateTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage
getBaseUrl(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Get the base url for the given url.
getBlockedTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Deprecated. This API is not available and just returns 0.
getBody() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the response body, as a String.
getBufferedAmount() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Returns the 'bufferedAmount'.
getBytes() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
The total number of bytes received via HTTP requests while this transaction was active.
getBytes() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
The total number of bytes received via HTTP requests while this step was active.
getBytes() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the total number of bytes transferred while making the HTTP request.
getBytesReceived() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Number of bytes received.
getBytesSent() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Number of bytes sent.
getCharSet() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the response character set if and only if the corresponding request asked for text validation to occur.
getConnectTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The time spent connected to server
getContentMimeType() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage
Either "application/octet-stream" or "text/plain"
getContentSize() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage
getContentType() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the response content type if and only if the corresponding request asked for text validation to occur.
getCookie(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Retrieve a cookie by name.
getCookie(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Retrieve a cookie by name.
getCookie(String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Retrieve a cookie by name.
Returns the value of the cookie with the specified name, or throws an error if the cookie is not present.
getCSV(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Creates and returns a table of data backed by a Comma Separated Value file.
getDetails() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsLookupResponse
Get the full dig style output for this lookup.
getDetails() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsRecord
The the full dig style output for this record
getDirection() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage
getDnsLookupTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The time spent to lookup DNS from DNS server.
getEnableSNI() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Returns if SSL SNI (Server Name Indication) is enabled or disabled.
getEnd() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Returns the time the transaction ended, or null if the step has not yet ended.
getEnd() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Returns the time the step ended, or null if the step has not yet ended.
getEnd() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the time and date the HTTP request ended.
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns descriptive text of any error that occurred while making the HTTP request.
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns descriptive text of any error that occurred while making the HTTP request.
getExtensions() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Returns the 'extensions' selected by the server.
getFirstObject() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Finds the first (chronologically ordered) object associated with this step, or null if there are no objects.
getHeader(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the value of the specific response header, or null if no header exists in the response.
getHeaders(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the values for the specific response header, or null if no headers exist in the response.
getHops() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult
The list of network hops.
getHost() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.PingResult
The hostname that the ping was done for
getHost() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult
The hostname that was looked up
getHost() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
The resolved host name for the ip address that the reply packet was sent from.
getHost() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Get NTP host URL.
getHost() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the host part of the URL.
getHttpClient() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebDriver
Returns the HTTP client through which browser requests are proxied.
getInfo() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the actual information that will be stored in to the core data collected as part of the overall transaction.
getIp() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.PingResult
The ip address that was resolved for the hostname
getIp() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult
The ip that was looked up
getIp() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
The ip address that was resolved for the hostname
getLastObject() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Finds the last (chronologically ordered) object associated with this step, or null if there are no objects.
getLastResponse() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Returns the last response from the Ftp server.
getLeapIndicator() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Leap Indicator (LI): This is a two-bit code warning of an impending leap second to be inserted/deleted in the last minute of the current day, with bit 0 and bit 1, respectively, coded as follows:
getLength() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
get the length of the string.
getLoadTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
Get the overall load time in milliseconds for all the resources downloaded
getLocalClockOffset() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Local clock offset based on this SNTP response, in seconds.
getLocation() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns the location that the script is running from.
getMethod() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The HTTP method used for this request (usually "GET" or "POST").
getMode() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Mode: This is a three-bit integer indicating the mode, with values defined as follows:
getName() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsRecord
Get the ip or hostname returned from the lookup
getName() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpHeader
Get the name of the Header.
getNtpVersion() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Get NTP version, 3 or 4, default is 4.
getObjects() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Returns all objects associated with this step, or an empty list of no objects are.
getOnclose() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Accessor for 'wsInstance.onclose'.
getOnerror() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Accessor for 'wsInstance.onerror'.
getOnhandshake() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Accessor for 'wsInstance.onhandshake'.
getOnmessage() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Accessor for 'wsInstance.onmessage'.
getOnopen() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Accessor for 'wsInstance.onopen'.
getOriginateTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Originate Timestamp: This is the time at which the request departed the client for the server, in seconds since 00:00 1-Jan-1900.
getPacketsLost() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.PingResult
The number of ping reply packets that never made it back from the host to the client machine.
getPacketsSent() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.PingResult
The number of ping packets sent.
getPath() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the path of the URL.
getPollInterval() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Poll Interval: This is an eight-bit signed integer indicating the maximum interval between successive messages, in seconds to the nearest power of two.
getPort() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Get NTP port, default is 123.
getPostBody() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The captured POST body (File/Bytes as request body) during validation in the HAR file.
getPostParams() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The captured POST params during validation in the HAR file.
getPrecision() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Precision: This is an eight-bit signed integer indicating the precision of the local clock, in seconds to the nearest power of two.
getProtocol() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the protocol part of the URL, usually "http" or "https".
getProtocol() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Returns the 'protocol' selected by the server.
getQueryString() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the query string of the URL.
getQueryTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsLookupResponse
The time taken to make the DNS query in milliseconds.
getReadyState() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Returns the 'readyState'.
getReasonPhrase() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The HTTP reason phrase that the server responded with for the object.
getReceiveTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Receive Timestamp: This is the time at which the request arrived at the server, in seconds since 00:00 1-Jan-1900.
getReceiveTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The time in milliseconds for when data was received from server
getRecords() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsLookupResponse
Gets the records returned for this lookup, can be null.
getRedirectUrl() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The redirecting url of the request
getReferenceTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Reference Timestamp: This is the time at which the local clock was last set or corrected, in seconds since 00:00 1-Jan-1900.
getRequestHeaders() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The request's headers made to server
getResolvedIpAddress() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the resolved IP address from the request made.
getResponse() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
The first HttpResponse received.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The response's headers from the server.
getResponses() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
The list of all HttpResponse received.
getRtt(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
The round trip response time in seconds for the ith packet.
getRtt1() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
The first round trip response time in seconds Negative values indicate that a response was never received.
getRtt2() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
The second round trip response time in seconds Negative values indicate that a response was never received.
getRtt3() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
The third round trip response time in seconds Negative values indicate that a response was never received.
getRttLen() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop
Return the number of packets sent
getSendTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The time in milliseconds for when data was sent server
getSslHandshakeTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The time spent performing an SSL handshake with server
getStart() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Returns the time the transaction started.
getStart() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Returns the time the step started.
getStart() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the time and date the HTTP request started.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the HTTP status code
getStatusCode() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the HTTP status code (eg: 200, 404, etc) that resulted when this request was made.
getStatusText() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the HTTP status text
getStepTimeout() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Returns the step timeout in milliseconds.
getStratum() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Stratum: This is a eight-bit unsigned integer indicating the stratum level of the local clock, with values defined as follows: Stratum Meaning ---------------------------------------------- 0 unspecified or unavailable 1 primary reference (e.g., radio clock) 2-15 secondary reference (via NTP or SNTP) 16-255 reserved
getTimeActive() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
The time spent actively running the script, such as time spent waiting for a page to finish loading.
getTimeActive() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
The time spent actively running the script, such as spent waiting for a page to finish loading.
getTimeActive() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the total time the request was active, usually the time for the last byte to be received, but sometimes the time in which the request was aborted because the script had completed.
getTimeout() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Get timeout, default is 3000 ms.
getTimePaused() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
The time spent actively paused due to an explicit call to pause() by the script author.
getTimePaused() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
The time spent actively paused due to an explicit call to pause() by the script author.
getTimeToFirstByte() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the time to receive the first byte back from the server.
getTimeZone() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Return the current timezone.
getTimezoneOffset(String, Date) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Get the timezone offset for the given timezone from the current timezone.
getTimezoneOffsetUTC(String, Date) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Get the timezone offset for the given timezone.
getTransmitTime() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Transmit Timestamp: This is the time at which the reply departed the server for the client, in seconds since 00:00 1-Jan-1900.
getTTL() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsRecord
The the time to live for this DNS record in seconds.
getTxCount() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns the count of transactions that have been completed (regardless of success or failure) in the current script.
getType() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage
getUrl() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Get the URL.
getUrl() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns the URL that the response was generated from.
getUrl() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Returns the full URL that this object represents.
getUrl() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Returns the 'url' passed to the constructor.
getUserNum() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Returns the unique number for each independent script executed during a load test.
getUUID() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns a randomly generated 128 bit, 32 byte UUID in the form 067e6162-3b6f-4ae2-a171-2470b63dff00.
getValue() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpHeader
Get the value of the Header.
getVersion() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Return the Test Scripts API version.
getVersionNumber() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp.SntpResult
Version Number (VN): This is a three-bit integer indicating the NTP/SNTP version number.
getWebSocketId() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The websocket id
getWebSocketMessages() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
The websocket messages
globalPause(long, long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Sleep between steps.
globalPause(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Sleep between steps for the duration passed in param.
gzip(Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Compress the provided content using Gzip and return a byte array.


hasHeader(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Check if the request has a header set
head(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP HEAD without any verification.
head(String, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP HEAD with a parameter for status code/location verification.
HttpClient - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
The API that makes HTTP requests for Neustar Web Performance Management scripts.
HttpHeader - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
An HTTP header key and value.
HttpRequest - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
An object representing an HTTP request to be made in the future.
HttpResponse - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
The result of an HTTP request make by HttpClient.


include(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Includes a JavaScript file into the current script's top level scope.
isAuthoritative() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns.DnsLookupResponse
Returns true if the request was made to the authoritative name server
isCached(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Returns true the if the given hostname is cached.
isConnected() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Is the connection open?
isContentMatched() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Returns true if the content was verified to be in the resulting HTTP response.
isLoadTesting() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Indicates whether the current execution context is within a load test.
isOpen() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
determine if the underlying file is currently open
isScriptValidator() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Indicates if the current execution environment is the local script validator.
isSuccess() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Returns true if the transaction is going to be considered "successful".
isValidation() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Indicates if the current execution environment is an actual real time script playback or if this is simply a script validation run that is used during script development.



loadFrames(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Enable/Disable the loading of sub frames.
LoadTestSettings - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
loadTestSettings() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Get load testing specific settings, these settings have no effect while monitoring.
log(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Logs some text to the log buffer.
login(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Login with the given username and password
lookup(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Lookup a hostname and report back its ips
lookup(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Lookup a hostname and report back its ips.
lookupIp4(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Lookup a hostname and report back its ipv4 ips
lookupIp6(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Lookup a hostname and report back its ipv6 ips
lookupNS(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Lookup a hostname and report back its ipv6 ips


makeMultiPart() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Change the request into a multipart request, so that each named parameter is treated as separate part.
md5() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
Returns the MD5 of these bytes in hex string form.
md5(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
Returns the MD5 of these bytes in hex string form or binary form.
md5() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
Returns the MD5 of this file in hex string form.
md5(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
Returns the MD5 of this file in hex string form or binary form.
md5(Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns a string representing the hex values of the MD5 for the given object.
md5(Object, boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns either a hex string or a set of Bytes representing the MD5 for the given object.


Net - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Network monitoring APIs
Net.PingResult - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
The result of a ping request.
Net.TraceRouteResult - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
The result of a traceroute request.
Net.TraceRouteResult.NetworkHop - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
A single network hop of a traceroute request.
newDelete(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new DELETE request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newGet(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new GET request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newHead(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new HEAD request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newOptions(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new OPTIONS request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newPatch(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new PATCH request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newPost(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new POST request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newPut(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new PUT request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newSocket() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Creates a new TCP socket.
newSslSocket() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Creates a new SSL socket.
newTrace(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Creates a new TRACE request that can be further modified before finally executed.
newUdpSocket() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Creates a new UDP socket.
nextSequence(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Retrieves the next non-zero, positive integer in a particular sequence.


openBrowser() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a Selenium WebDriver browser session.
openHttpClient() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a basic HTTP client that is capable of GET and POST requests, allowing the script author to simulate real web browsers.
openWebSocket(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Opens a W3C WebSocket at the give URL.
openWebSocket(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Opens a W3C WebSocket at the give URL.
options(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP OPTIONS without any content verification.
options(String, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP OPTIONS with a parameter for text/status code/location verification.


pause(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Instructs the script to pause for a specified amount of time.
pause(long, boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Instructs the script to pause for a specified amount of time.
ping(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Tests whether a network ip or hostname is reachable.
ping(String, long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Tests whether a network ip or hostname is reachable.
ping(String, long, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Tests whether a network ip or hostname is reachable.
post(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP POST with a parameter for text/status code/location verification.
post(String, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP POST with a parameter for text/status code/location verification.
put(String, NativeObject) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Issues an HTTP PUT with a parameter for text/status code/location verification.
put(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Associates a generic name/value pair with this transaction.
put(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Associates a generic name/value pair with this step.


quickStop() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Normally when a load test is paused or the load level drops to fewer concurrent users, the actively running scripts are allowed to finish executing and complete the current transaction.
quit() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Quit the session and disconnect from the server


random() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.CSVTable
Returns a random row in the CSV table.
readBytes(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Wait for data and return it.
readContents() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
read the entire contents of a file If a reader has not been instantiated then one will be and closed upon completion
readLine() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.DataFile
read a line using the current reader If a reader has not been instantiated then one will be
readLine() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Read a line of text and return it.
readPacket() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Wait for a packet from a remote host and return it.
readPacket(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Wait for a packet from a remote host and return it.
remapHost(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Provides functionality similar to editing your "hosts file" on your local computer.
remapHost(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Provides functionality similar to editing your "hosts file" on your local computer.
remoteAddress() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket.Packet
remotePort() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket.Packet
removeHeader(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Remove an existing header from the request
removeHeader(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Remove a header.
resetHeaders() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Remove all user added headers.
resolveUrl(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Combine the given Url and path into one Url.
reverseLookup(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Reverse lookup an ip and report back its hostname(s).
rewriteUrl(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Tells the browser to rewrite any URL it encounters using the provided regular expression and replacement string.


scrollTo(int, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebDriver
Scrolls the browser by left and top amount.
searchString(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Verify that the given string is present in the response body.
searchString(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
Verify that the given string is present in the response body of any of the requests made.
searchStringRegex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpResponse
Verify that the given regex matches the response body.
searchStringRegex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot.Response
Verify that the given regex matches the response body of at least one of the requests made.
send(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Sends the given string over the socket to the destination in the given string encoding.
send(Bytes) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Sends the given bytes over the socket to the destination.
send(byte[]) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Sends the given bytes over the socket to the destination.
send(String, int, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Sends the given UTF-8 text to the remoteAddress and remotePort.
send(String, int, Bytes) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Sends the given bytes to the remoteAddress and remotePort.
send(String, int, byte[]) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Sends the given byte array to the remoteAddress and remotePort.
send(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Transmits data using the connection.
send(byte[]) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Transmits data using the connection.
setActive(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Sets active Ftp mode for file transfers.
setBandwidthLimitMode(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Turn on/off bandwidth limiting.
setBinary(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Ftp
Set the Ftp filemode to binary or back to ASCII.
setBytes(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Set the total number of bytes received while this transaction was active.
setBytes(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Set the total number of bytes received while this step was active.
setCacheTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Sets the TTL for objects in the DNS cache in milliseconds.
setCapability(key,value) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.BrowserchromeOptions
Sets capability to Chrome session.
setCapability(key,value) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.BrowserfirefoxOptions
Sets capability to firefox session
setCheckValidSSL(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Turn SSL certificate validation on or off when going through the proxy or making HTTP requests directly.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Sets the timeout for the connection to be established.
setDNSCacheTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Sets the TTL for objects in the DNS cache in seconds.
setDownstreamKbps(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Sets an artificial kilobits-per-second value for all data downloaded.
setEnableSNI(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Enabled or disable SSL SNI (Server Name Indication).
setFollowRedirects(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Tells the HttpClient whether redirects (300 status codes) should automatically be followed.
setHost(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Set NTP host to test.
setLatency(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Sets an artificial latency simulation for sending one full MTU (~1500 bytes on the internet).
setLookupMode(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Control the lookup priority of ipv4 vs ipv6.
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Set a limit to the maximum amount of concurrent connections open at any one time.
setMaxConnectionsPerHost(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebBot
Set a limit to the maximum amount of concurrent connections allowed to be open towards a single host.
setNameServer(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Sets the DNS name server to use for all DNS lookups.
setNameServer(String[]) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Sets the DNS name server to use for all DNS lookups.
setNtpVersion(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Set NTP version, 3 or 4, default is 4.
setOnclose(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Set an Event Handler for 'wsInstance.onclose'.
setOnerror(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Set an Event Handler for 'wsInstance.onerror'.
setOnhandshake(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Set an Event Handler for 'wsInstance.onhandshake'.
setOnmessage(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Set an Event Handler for 'wsInstance.onmessage'.
setOnopen(NativeFunction) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocket
Set an Event Handler for 'wsInstance.onopen'.
setPort(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Set NTP port, default is 123.
setRequestBody(Object, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Convenience function for setting the body of the HTTP and also setting the Content-Type header.
setRequestBody(Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Sets the raw content of the HTTP POST (or PUT) body.
setRequestBodyAsBase64EncodedBytes(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Deprecated. Consider using DataFile and/or Bytes along with HttpRequest.setRequestBody(Object)
setRequestTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Sets the request timeout for all subsequent HTTP requests.
setRetryCount(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Set the automatic retry count for HTTP requests (both requests made directly and request made by the browser).
setSocketOperationTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Sets the timeout for a socket operation, such as reading a byte from the HTTP stream (SO_TIMEOUT).
setStepTimeout(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Set the timeout, in milliseconds, that the step is allowed to run.
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Sets the "success" parameter of the transaction, which will be stored with the overall test records and charts.
setTcp(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Make DNS requests over TCP or switch back to using UDP.
setTimeActive(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Sets the time you want recorded for the transaction.
setTimeActive(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Sets the time you want recorded for the step.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Dns
Sets the timeout to use when making a request.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Sntp
Set timeout, default is 3000 ms.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TcpSocket
Make a TCP connection to the given host#port.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.UdpSocket
Sets the read timeout in milliseconds on the socket.
setTimePaused(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Transaction
Sets the time spent actively paused.
setTimePaused(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Sets the time spent actively paused.
setUpstreamKbps(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Sets an artificial kilobits-per-second value for all data upload from the script (including headers).
setVerificationText(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpRequest
Instructs the HTTP request to look for this string of content against the response content.
sha1(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns a sha1 string representation of given string.
sha256(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns a sha256 string representation of given string.
sha256WithRSA(NativeObject, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Creates and returns a sha256WithRSA signed signature.
size() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.CSVTable
Returns the total number of rows in the CSV file, minus the header row.
Sntp - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Makes SNTP requests and parses/validates the response.
Sntp.SntpResult - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
SNTP V4 message according to RFC 4330 (backward compatible with V3)
startTimeoutTimer(long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a timer that runs until timeoutInMs is reached, and if it has been reached, will terminate the running script.
stopExpected() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Indicate that the script is expecting that it could be stopped at any time and that if that happens, it should not be considered an error.
stopTimeoutTimer() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Stops the timeout timer, if it was started.
storeAllArtifacts(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.LoadTestSettings
storeHtml(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.LoadTestSettings
storeHttpHeaders(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.LoadTestSettings
storeScreenshot(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.LoadTestSettings
storeVideo(boolean) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.LoadTestSettings


TcpSocket - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Raw socket API for connecting and communicating over TCP.
time(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes.
timeEnd(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Ends and logs a timer if it exists
toByteArray() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
toHex() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
Returns data hex string of the binary byte values.
toHex(Bytes) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns data hex string of the binary byte values.
toHex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Returns data hex string of the binary byte values.
toString() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Bytes
Returns data as a UTF8 string.
traceroute(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Performs a traceroute.
traceroute(String, long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Performs a traceroute.
traceroute(String, long, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Performs a traceroute.
Transaction - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Aggregate information about a transaction in a script.
TransactionStep - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Aggregate information about a particular step in the script.
TransactionStepObject - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Basic information about an individual HTTP request during a test.


useClientCertificates(String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Configures the HttpClient to use client certificates.
Utils - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
A set of general purpose utilities to assist with scripting.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.neustar.wpm.api.WebSocketMessage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyCertificateOCSP(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify certificate validity.
verifyItemDownload(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Verify that the given url matches a downloaded item.
verifyItemDownloadRegex(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStep
Verify that the given regex matches a downloaded item.
verifyPop(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a POP3 server is alive and working correctly.
verifyPop(String, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a POP3 server is alive and working correctly.
verifyPop(String, String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a POP3 server is alive and working correctly.
verifyPop(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a POP3 server is alive and working correctly.
verifySmtp(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a SMTP server is alive, and functioning correctly.
verifySmtp(String, String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a SMTP server is alive, and functioning correctly.
verifySmtp(String, String, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify a SMTP server is alive and functioning correctly.
verifySntp(String, int, int, int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Net
Verify an SNTP server is alive and working correctly.


waitFor(NativeFunction, long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Wait for the user specified function to return true.
waitForNetworkTrafficToStop(long, long) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Test
Waits until no HTTP traffic associated with the current test has taken place for at least quietPeriodInMs.
wasBlacklisted() - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.TransactionStepObject
Was the item blacklisted? If it was a HTTP request was never made and no content was downloaded.
WebBot - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
Download web pages using a simple emulated browser, without evaluating JavaScript.
WebBot.Response - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
The list of responses made during an execute() request.
WebDriver - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
The WebDriver interface to a browser opened with Test.openBrowser().
WebSocket - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
This is an implementation of the W3C WebSocket API.
WebSocketMessage - Interface in biz.neustar.wpm.api
A single message transferred over a WebSocket connection.
WebSocketMessage.Direction - Enum in biz.neustar.wpm.api
WebSocketMessage.Type - Enum in biz.neustar.wpm.api
whitelistRequests(String[], int) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.HttpClient
Whitelist any HTTP request that matches the supplied regular expression patterns, automatically registering the supplied response code as the response for any request not in the set of whitelists.


xmlToJson(String) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Convert XML to JSON.


zlib(Object) - Method in interface biz.neustar.wpm.api.Utils
Compress the provided content using zlib and return a byte array.

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